Friday, May 4, 2012

Which is the best graphics card for gaming?

My graphics card is really bad, it can't run a lot of video games and I want to upgrade it but I want to know which graphics card I need to buy that will last me a long time. By the way, everything else can handle video games its just the graphics card I need to upgrade, please help.|||You can drop anywhere from $50 to $700 for a video card. Upper end cards will require larger power supplies, which may mean you have to replace the power supply as well.

Here's a good, current listing of video cards at different budgets.…|||Everything depends on how much money you are willing to pay.

A great website to compare cards in|||Nvidia GeForce are the best graphic cards.

You can choose which one you want depending on how much you wanna spend on a video card. Check the website below:…

Hope this helps.|||depends on where you buy from

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