Right now im working with a 8200 geforce chipset(built into motherboard) And it plays just about all games ok. It lags sometimes, Im guessing somewhere around 10-20 fps on medium settings. I can play mass effect, fallout 3, call of juarez, etc. For me tolerance on lower fps is higher then most people because im used to it. But I figure because I have the extra money why not upgrade to a much better video card.
heres the thing though Im only gonna buy it if the difference is great. I Would like 30-50 fps on most games on around medium or high settings. It would be nice if I could play at max settings without to much lag I have been looking at a few video cards. I want the most bang for your buck. It doesnt HAVE to be 70 bucks. if theres one for 50. thats great.|||well if you can afford the Ati 4670, thats a good card but its about 70$, or you could try the Ati 4650 but its not much cheaper and the 4670 is much better
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