Friday, May 4, 2012

Any good graphics/video card for gaming?

Hey I need a graphics card cause im getting very frustrated with my 4 year old computer, and i don't wanna buy a new computer so does anyone know a good graphics/video card for gaming? (is graphics card and video card the same thing? lol)

I play WoW and Counter strike source, and i get about 30 fps on WoW and on counter strike source i get about 60-90 fps but that's because i put my graphics really low and i just turned the graphics to the best and i miss playing like that but i only get 20 fps like that. I basically want not to just be able to run both those games, but to atleast have a GOOD average of about 150 fps in both those games atleast cause im tired of annoying fps lags and disconnecting from both games :(.

So if anyone knows a good graphics/video card for about 150$ but no more than 200$ the max :D

THANK YOU!!!|||What is your current CPU/processor? What's your current graphic card?

Right now the best gaming cards in your price range are the ATI Radeon 4870 or Nvidia GTX 260, which cost around $125-$140.

BUT.... Those cards require a good 550W-600W power supply. If you're currently got some dinky 300W unit inside the case, that won't work for either of those cards.

Moreover, those cards are overkill for games like WoW and Counter-Strike. A $75 card like the Radeon 4670 can run those games on very high if not maxed, and doesn't require a power supply upgrade.

To use $100-$125 cards like the GTS250 and Radeon 4850 you should have a solid 450W power supply, which costs $50-$75 on average. That might be where your budget takes you- some on the psu, some on the card.

See the link below:|||Well, i doubt that your motherboard will support the new graphic card..if you wana buy then buy nvidia geforce.|||hi nick, the best card for gaming is a high performance card is it is Nvidia 8800gtx or Nvidia 9800gtx that ones new good graphics can handle theheat that gaming rafiate and the perfoamnce that you want and need. plus recommend that you call your manufacturer to ask what ram works best for your computer and replace your ram with 4 gb of new ram. good luck hope i was helpful to you|||go on and run "Game-O-Meter". It tells you what to get to run games on ur PC + its game specific.|||buy a 9800gt

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