Friday, May 4, 2012

Best video card for PCI express 16?

I'm using an old m2n-sli deluxe mobo, and I'm trying to up my gaming now that left 4 dead game out... mwuahahaha.

Anyhoo what's the best card to get for XP/PCIE 16?

Please don't tell me to go vista directx 10 PCIE 2.0 blarghblargh I don't have the money right now =p

Thanks all!|||uhmm. pci 2.0 and vista and DX10 have NOTHING in common, PCIex16 and PCI 2.0 are essentially the same, therefore you can have pcie 2.0 cards works in pcie x 16

get a GTX280, thats the best video card out there.…|||Best One is Nvidia just try

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