Friday, May 4, 2012

What is a video card? for gaming?

ok, my cuzin told me to buy a video card in order to make this game i bought work properly (guild wars)...

anyway what is the cheepest game card their is in the store like best buy, circuit city, or frys...

n i hav a vista laptop so how would you install a video card on a laptop?|||its very difficult to install a video card in a laptop, and fo many laptops, this is impossible.|||You have to find out if it is possible on your laptop, most have integrated graphics, some have video cards.|||i suggest you go to the stores and ask them.. and let them install it for you too..... cheapest doesn't exactly give you assurance|||Usually having a laptop means you cannot up grade the video card.|||You can't install a video card in a laptop. It's not an upgradable component.

I would imagine that if your laptop came with vista then your graphics card should be fine and your friend just doesn't know what he/she is talking about.

Try doing a little searching on boards that deal with guild wars.|||you should go to circuit city or best buy and ask them how . i can only install them on pc|||Playing videos uses ram and the CPU on your computer. When run a game, it can be intensive on both those resources. A good video card typically contains its own RAM and sometimes processor.

I suggest talking to a best buy rep about what your computer can handle. I bought mine for $100. They can go up for $600 or higher.

If your computer runs slow for other processes, try upgrading the RAM. My brother couldn't run WOW with his computer. We updated the RAM and it ran fine.|||you can't put a different video card on a laptop its built in and you can't change it, only on desk tops. its sad you don't know what a video card is, the name is self explanatory.|||Laptops are not particularly designed for gaming. They are mainly for business (word processing and internet access). If it was even possible, I wouldn't even do it. The cheapest is probably Nvidia Ge Force, and it can be as cheap as $55 (Wal mart), although, you can get one used (computer depot)|||Uh, all PC's and laptops come with video cards. I believe what he means is a better video card. Look to NVidia GeForce though, their pretty popular. Gears Of War box should tell you what specs the card should have and you can find the cheapest with those specs.|||This is a tough one and most likely won't be cheap. U can't really change the video card in your laptop. Thats one of the trade offs for having a portable system, no real upgrade possiblities. However there may be hope. If your laptop has a mini pci slot on the side you may be able to find a video card that for it. Usually this port is used for wireless internet, I use mine as a 6 in 1 card reader. In any case I haven't yet found one for mine but that doesn't mean there isn't one out there. If there is its most likely expensive.|||hoookay....

yes, some laptops do have upgradable video cards. its just wrong to say 'you can't upgrade the video card on a laptop'. this is a generalisation that is just not correct.

so, you need to ascertain from a local service-person for your laptop model if its possible with the machine you have.

There is a solution to this problem which has been pending for a long time. its called the asus xg station. it was due to be released last year but there has been no word on it for awhile. this is an external video card that runs between the laptop and your monitor. prototypes received very good reviews.

So those are your options:

find out if the chipset in your laptop can be replaced

if not, wait for xg station.,

or, get a new laptop.

hope this helps.

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