Friday, May 4, 2012

What is the best video card for my desktop?

I have recently decided to get into PC gaming. Mainly, Skyrim, Assassins Creed Revelations, Guild Wars and other basic games. I don't believe these games require a beast of a graphics card, but I know that the one I have right now on my Gateway SX2800-01 is not sufficient. I just need a video card that can handle these games without lag and can fit in my desktop. It only has space for a low profile graphics card and the power supply is only 220 watts and is streamlined so there's no hope for replacing it with a higher watt one unless I run wire to an "external" psu. Id like to stay within 150$ or so. And I do realize I shouldnt have bought a slim model lol.

My questions are: What is a good low profile graphics card that meets my needs and doesnt exceed my power limit and also if I did attempt to make an external power supply, what would be the best psu and low profile graphics card for that set up?|||With a 220W psu, the best graphics you will be able to get is like a amd 6450.

The best low profile card is a 6670, but those are quite expensive, and you would be better off with a low profile 6570 version. But id say you need a 300W psu for a 6570. You could get it on a 250W but 220W might be kind of pushing it.

Dont use external psu, just get a new one.

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