Friday, May 4, 2012

What is the best gaming video card under $475?

I'm building a gaming rig, and I'm currently putting together a list of components to use. This is the basic list right now, all the essential components. I am going to be running a 1000W PSU and a 1TB HDD. I am not putting them on the list, as they are in my old comp that I gave to my friend. I will buy some replacements for them and trade.





I'm having trouble deciding on a video card. I'm not looking for any advice on the other components, nor do I want answers with crap about them. I only want helpful answers from KNOWLEDGEABLE EXPERTS on this. Redirecting me to a review website does not qualify as expert. It qualifies as an idiot who used Google. I will be running graphics-intensive games, and I want to make sure that I can run them smoothly at max settings. My max to spend on the card is between $400 and $500.|||An nvidia GTX 580 is the best card out there right now and last time I checked it costed $480

If you want one a little cheaper with maxing out modern games just as good the nex step down would be a 570.

Those are the two best cards out there, both are within your price range.

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