Friday, May 4, 2012

What is the best AGP video card for under 100$?

I have an ATi Radeon 9250 Series and don't run the new games, like Oblivion or Ghotic 3:((. I want a good video card with AGP that can still run the newest games. Plz help!!!!|||The AGP video card format is a dying technology,but I find Nvidia to be the best on the market. Finding a price under $100,prob. not. Good luck|||Under $100? You ain't gonna get one.

There's an article on that ranks best video cards by price bracket. Try that, but I don't think there's anything under $100 that's better than a 9250 that's still available for purchase, unless you buy something used.|||But if you want to save a BUCK, then try

This site also consists of products which supports ur computer.

Good luck and Happy processing.|||Go to bestbuy...compusa... use the compare option...

depending on what you want, setup you want, output or input...etc

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