Thursday, April 26, 2012

Whats the best video card for me and where can i get it?

i have a asus tech salmon v. 1.04 and i have 3 pci slots and i agp slot where and which video card is best for me to play video games|||Since you have an open AGP slot, I would suggest you research into those. Although less common, AGP is still faster than PCI. It would also depend on what you are looking for in price range, game types (video demanding/relatively basic), and specs of your computer.

If you're looking for something cheap ($40-$70), I would look into a Radeon X1050 or so... it's new enough that it should last a while. Not really great for high-intensity games (like Bioshock), but would work well for games like Halo.…

If you're looking for a bit more expensive ($80-$120), there are 2 cards I would recommend. The first is the Radeon X1300. This requires a medium power supply. The Radeon X1650 is another good card, though the X1650 is a tad stronger. It requires a bit more wattage in the power supply as well. These should get you by with newer games, although they also work great on the older ones as well.……

A bit higher up in price ($120-$150) is the Radeon HD 2600. I'm currently running this, although it's PCI-E based. It is a great product, very fast in processing speed, requires a medium power supply, and is DirectX10 based, so it will run all of your brand new games with relative ease.…

And finally, at the top of our price list ($180-$250) is the Radeon X1950 Pro. This is about as good as you are going to get for AGP cards. This is an extremely powerful card, running most of the brand new games very smoothly. It is DirectX9.0c based, so it probably won't stick around as long, nor would it work with the very few DX10 games out, but it will be hanging around for quite a long time.…

Of course, these are all cards based off of ATI's chipsets. I know very little about NVidia cards, so these would be the best I could do to cover all the areas. Remember to double check EVERY ASPECT of your computer before you buy. It would be horrible to buy one, get it, and find out it isn't compatable.

Good luck, and happy shopping!|||what kind of video card...just buy video cards in singapore 10%less

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