Thursday, April 26, 2012

What is the best Gaming Video Card for a PC?

Please read the following before answering:

I need to update my video card for my PC.

I need a great video card for games like World Of Worldcraft.

Please list several cards that you know or have used.

Please provide any links if possible.

Thank you for your time if you answer this question.|||Well first step you need to figure out if you have a pcie pci or agp slot on your motherboard. if you bought the computer in the last 2 years or so it should have a pcie if you boutght is before that then it most likely has an agp slot. If you bought the computer more than 5 years ago it only has a pci slot.

assuming you have a pcie slot a cheap card like the geforce 8800 will play wow with the settings maxed out.…

this one is very good.…

another good one.…

if you are on a budget this one will still play wow on high easy|||i only have used nvidia card. on the 8600gt, i only can get it to run smooth on the lowest setting for some odd reason. anything in the 8 series, 9 series and gtx series can run wow with no problem

before buying a card you need to see if your system can handle it (motherboard and power supply) and how much do you want to spend.|||Some items you really ought to add to your question:

1. What's your current graphics card?

2. What motherboard or system (manufacturer & model number) do you have?

3. How much are you willing to spend?|||ati 4780

nvidia gtx280

HIS 4870 ice Q

all these card will play the latest games on max settings, except maybe crysis at high res.|||…

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