Thursday, April 26, 2012

What is the best ( and most expensive ) video card for a home computer? one for video gaming and one for graph

I have two identical computers except neither have video cards. One i want to use for Gaming and the other for Graphic / number crunching and Auto cad stuff. What would be the best card to use in each machine|||Gaming machine:…

CAD machine:…|||Best card out right now for gaming (subjective of course) is the x1900 from ATI. You can find out more at…

For CAD stuff, FireGL has been one of the highest rated cards (also from ATI). You can find more info at:…

Purchasing Info:……

And yes, I'm an ATI Fanboy|||NOT SO FAST !

Here are the top performing, expensive POWER GRAPHICS CARDS !…

THEY'VE BEEN TESTED AGAINST THE OTHERS, THEY ARE THE BEST, OUT PERFORMING THE OTHERS BY A LONG SHOT ! BUT U GOTTA PAY TO PLAY !|||If you want a good gamming system get a Dell XPS 600, 2G RAM, and SLI video cards. I work for Dell XPS hardware support and the XPS 600 is the system that I get the LEAST calls about. I get one every now and then but they are few and far apart. I don't sell them I'm just telling you what I know from working on them

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