Thursday, April 26, 2012

Best video card for $100 or less?

Looking to buy a new video card for $100 or less for gaming. Currently playing Dragon Age II. What card would get the most bang for my buck? Thanks.|||5830 for $110 on newegg|||U might check out for ATI RADEON HD5770, which costs little ($10-$15) extra, but it will give awesome performance for each of Ur dollars...

If U are looking at $100 and less, then U might go for NIVIDIA GTS450, which is also a good gaming card but has less performance compared to HD5770 and little higher than HD5750...

I recommend HD5770 for 1680x1050 resolution, which gives good playable FPS at maximum settings...

but GTS450 struggles a little at this res..

Anyway, If U have more money & high res, go for HD5770 and If U have less money & less res, go for GTS450..;-)

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