Friday, April 27, 2012

Which Video Card Is The Best For Gaming These Days?

ok, heaps of good game came out ( Farcry2, COD4, Cod WAW etc.) and coming out, include cod mw2, l4d2and so much more. And I'm think of getting a new gaming pc and just wondering which graphic card is the best for gaming these days? p.s I do know the nvidia GTX series is the mose Extreme graphic card, but I don't have the money 4 them, any ideas? cheers|||i would say NVIDIA is as good as they get

they come in many varieties 256MB, 512MB &1GB

and they are supported b almost all motherboards and games.|||The best ones are more costy than cheaper ones and therefore will perform better. The Nvidia GTX serie is really good, but costs a lot of money. If you want a decent videocard for gaming, I would look for 300$-600$ (only for the videocard).

Gaming PCs are costier than the consoles (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360). The consoles can still play about any game that comes out. So you decide: buy a very expensive desktop PC that'll last 3 years at best or a console for about 400$ that'll last 5 years.|||save up for the nvidia gtx|||For my games i use a Radeon HD 4670 1GB Card. It is able to play All of the above listed games at high detail @ 1440x900. The Sapphire Version of this card can be picked up from for $80. ATI based graphics cards tend to be cheaper for the same quality compared to nVidia cards. Much like AMD is to Intel.

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